17. marraskuuta 2015

Nordkapp, Norway - There And Back Again (part 1)

From South to North
June 2015


We had a dream
To drive as north as we can
Swim in the Arctic Ocean
Feel the midnight sun
See the mountains
The reindeer
Live in a car
Escape from the civilization

We packed our car
And start driving to north from Savonlinna
We had only a slight guidelines were to go on our way
For two weeks there would be no specific plans for us
No dates nor time
Just us
Living a simple life
With the northern nature
On the summers biggest adventure

Everywhere we went
We drew this little fox
Maybe you have seen it on your way
And maybe you will see it again

This is part one of our adventure
From south to north

Paholaisen Liemikirnu / Devil's Soup Bowl

We tried to rescue this little Boreal Owl (Aegolius Funereus)
from the middle of the road but it kept coming back to the drive way.
Finally we decided that it's fate wasn't in our hands.

The Gardian of The Forest

Tänään on pohjoisessa kesän ensimmäinen päivä
Tulitte hyvään aikaan
Tuumasi nainen Kemijoen törmällä

"Lähdimme roadtripille Norjaan.
Vaelsimme jossain vaiheessa Jäämeren rannikkoa myötäilevää pientä tietä pitkin.
Oikealla puolellamme aallot löivät rantaan.
Ne pyyhkivät rauhallisen verkkaisesti, tasaisen rytmikkäästi.
Ikään kuin meri olisi hengittänyt.
Koko maisema laitumineen ja vuorineen tuntui henkivän syvää levollisuutta,
kiireettömyyttä, ajattomuutta.
Vasemmalla olivat vuoret, massiivisina ja jykevinä.
Vuosituhannet näkyivät arpina niiden rinteillä.
Suuret kiviröykkiöt lepäsin vuorten juurilla.
Ymmärsimme, että ne olivat kenties tuhansia vuosia sitten vyöryneet alas rinteiltä.
Luonnon hitaan rytmin saattoi aistia sammalten peittämistä röykkiöistä,
vuosituhannet olivat läsnä. 
Kivet ja vuoret tulisiviat olemaan siinä vielä silloinkin, kun meitä ei enään ole.
Se pysäytti."

- Tommy Hellsten -

Kaiken kontrasti oli niin valtavaa
Olimme tämän avaran taivaan alla
Suurten vuorten juurella
Niin suurten, ettei niiden suuruutta pystynyt edes käsittämään
Välillä taas kuljimme kilometrejä ahtaissa tunneleissa
Näiden valtavien vuorten sisässä
Tämä kaikki sai väistämättä asettamaan asiat oikeisiin mittasuhteisiinsa
Ei ollut mitään muuta kuin tämä
Tässä ja nyt
Elämä kokonaisessa ihmeellisyydessään

We made it!

25. lokakuuta 2015

A Housewarming Party - BakedExcuses

Once upon a time there was a housewarming party
It was a really nice party
Full of kind and lovely people
I was a stranger there
But only for a short moment
Before they took me for one of their own

Ystäväni lähetti minulle kutsun tupareihinsa
Juhlia edeltävänä iltana
Kuinkas muutenkaan
Kutsussa kehoitettiin tuomaan ruokaa mukanaan
Kuinkas muutenkaan

Miehet eivät ajattele
Ei kehtaa tuoda sipsipussia
Tarvitaan aikaa valmistella
Pyöräytin pellillisen mustikkapullia mukaani
Ei ollut kaardemummaa kaapissa
Ei ehtinyt enään kauppaan
Mies sai kuulla
Vieraat eivät huomanneet mitään

My Vietnamese sisters wanted to learn how to bake Finnish sweet bread
Four black eyes staring in wonder
When I started to make the paste
Four little hands ready to help
When I rolled the sweet breads to shape
This was my first baking class fixed up in English
Baked excuses are the best excuses to spend time together
And afterwards eat together

<3 This recipe is for my lovely sisters from far away <3

Blueberry Sweet Bread / Mustikkapullat

3 DL  milk
2 DL  warm water
1 bag  dried yeast
2 DL  sugar
1 teaspoon  salt
150 g melted butter
15 DL  wheat flour
1 tablespoon cardamom
1 egg

Blueberry filling
2 DL blueberries
1 DL curd
1/2 DL sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla sugar

1 egg
1 tablespoon milk

Mix the milk, warm water and yeast. Whisk them so there is no lumps.
Add sugar, salt, cardamom and egg, mix.
Add little by little 1/3 of the wheat flour and mix good.
When the paste is too thick for whisking start mixing the paste with your hand.
Add melted butter, mix.
Add rest of the wheat flours and knead the paste
until it starts to come of from the edges of the bowl.
Let the paste raise in a warm place covered with a towel for 45 minutes.
I used a sink with warm water for raising the paste.
Mix the blueberries, curd, sugars and cinnamon.
Take the raised paste and knead the air bubbles out of it on floured table.
Roll the paste to a thin layer on a floured table.
Spread a thin layer of blueberry filling on the paste.
Start rolling from one end, so you have one stick of the paste on the table.
Cut it about 2 cm peaces and put them on the baking tray so the spiral figure is facing up.
Mix the egg and milk and spread the blend on the sweet breads with a brush.
Bake in the oven in 225 °C about 12 minutes or when you think they look ready
(the time depends of the size of your sweet breads).

Bon Appétit!

23. lokakuuta 2015

Abandoned Adventures - An Old Finnish School

She called me the other day
"Girl, you gonna love this. Pack your camera, we will have an adventure!"
So, I packed my backpack
And hitchhiked trough the galaxy
Back to my old universe

In this universe
Everything seemed the same
And nothing felt the same
Didn't feel like home there
And I wondered
If I never had

I smiled to my Love
Still sad I had had to leave her behind
So happy to see her again
How much had I miss'd her

"You have a new car?"
"Nah... this is a friends car. I burrow it."
"So, what happened to your car?"
"Shut up and get in! Let's go hunt some adventures!"

We drove a long time on little curvy roads
Finally she turned the car to a yard of a big white building
A wicked smile on my face I looked the place
"So what's this?"
She turned to me
Saw my exited eyes
And smiled
"This.. is an abandoned school building"

With flashlights and camera as our weapons
We sneaked inside

I hoped for restless spirits to come by
My Love feared for them
Suddenly we heard a loud 'Bang!'
We froze in middle of our steps
With ghost stories on our minds we searched for the noise
Relieved smile came to her face
"It was the out door. Wind must have closed it after us"
I smiled
"Yeah, it must have been the wind..."
I took better grip of my camera and turned around

"Hey, here's retro-rooms!"

On the stairway I started to climb up
She stopped on the first step
"Do we have to go to the attic?"
"Of course we do!"

She stopped again
"Do we really have to go to the cellar?"
"We certainly do!"
I stared the way down to the darkness
I swallowed
I wasn't quit sure what I hoped to find from there
And what would be too much even for me

Flashlight on the other hand and camera on the other
I started to go down
I heard my Love follow me
I knew she would
Like she always does

The house didn't really look like a school from inside
There was actually four different apartments in two floors
The decoration suggested that those apartments could have been in use in the 70's

The ancient school desks in the attic and the nearby road named Schoolcape's Road
Are suggesting, that there would have been a school at some point
According to the internet the building was built on 1949
So maybe there has been school activity in the 50's
Who knows

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