18. tammikuuta 2012

It's Edinburgh babe!

Edinburgh, Scotland

On The Kaupunki, jonka vuoksi tein ensimmäisen poikkeuksen sääntööni - Ei kahta kertaa samaan paikkaan - enkä kadu hetkeäkään. Rakastan Edinburghin vanhoja kivitaloja, kapeita mukulakivikatuja, pieniä pubeja ja kahviloita. Totesin näitä katuja tallatessani, että olen muuttanut niin monta kertaa, ettei minulle ole kehittynyt suhdetta yhteenkään kaupunkiin, jotta voisin sanoa sitä kotikaupungiksi tai jonne ikävöisin. Onhan minulla toki oma kotiluolani Savonlinnassa, mutta en minä Savonlinnaa ikävöi. Sen sijaan totean, että vaikka ruumiini palasikin koto Suomeen, jäi osa sydämestäni vaeltamaan noille vanhoille kaduille. Kaipaan myös ihmisten avoimuutta ja ystävällisyyttä ja puheliaisuutta, mitä Suomessa ei ole. Kohteliaisuus vieraita ja ystäviä kohtaan on myös aivan eri tasolla Edinburghissa kuin täällä Suomessa. Tästä kertoo se, että ihmisten luonnollinen kohteliaisuus sai minut tuntemaan itseni erityiseksi ja pidetyksi. Tämän lisäksi kiitellessäni ihmisten ystävällisyyttä, minusta tuntui ensimmäistä kertaa, että kiitollisuuttani arvostettiin aidosti ja se huomattiin. Tässä Suomalaisille hieman oppimista!

I will tell you now about my adventures in Scotland, Edinburgh by pictures. I will try to write in english so my friends in Edinburgh will understand as well.

My adventure started whit this image. Norwegian was better choice than Ryanair, which was last time my flying company. Although neither serves meal or even sandwich.
Sunrise over Baltic Sea at 8am. How often you have a change to watch sunrise over clouds whit an american boy? I think once in a life time.
Breakfast at Copenhagen's airport with finnish girl, who btw studies psychology at University of Edinburgh.

My home for the week at Edinburgh's Grassmarket.
The building has it's own inner court arounded by very tall buildings.
I know it's nothing to compare to your own yard and there is now privacy, but it is still calm and quiet place middle of city.
Aroundin buildings...
My favourite pub The Grassmarket Bar is just opposite side of the street. And good luck for the bar's owner, Charlie, for his wedding at the spring!
Trees at Grassmarket Square.
Edinburgh's Castle from Grassmarket Square.

It is like Bad Queen's Castle from Sleeping Baeuty!

Grassmarket is in oldtown of Edinburgh.
Rory took me to National Museum of Scotland. I was just wondering how many finnish guy would be ready to do the same thing?
In the museum there was this huge room just for stuffed animals. It was just like Finnish Museum of Natural History in Helsinki. So awsome!
Realy original name for this rock (Weird Rock)! :D
Yep! This old vinyl realy was in the museum in Edinburgh!

I always laugh, when I see this street in Edinburgh's oldtown. The pronunciation although is something like [koburn striit].

Wiev to the newtown from the Edinburgh Castle's hill.

And little bit the odltown. Btw, the firs pic is taken also from here.

These are from some little bar at Grassmarket Squar. I love this little pubs, because there are so cosy.

Here is some pics of the Edinburgh's Castle.

This is the Queens Palace in Edinburgh.

This hill is actually an old volcano just next to the city. Although the volcano hasn't been active for many decade.

This part of the oldtown is called Cowgate.
Cowgate's archbridges are realy something.

Cowgate was Edinburgh's lowest part, so in the past when people did throw their shit and everything to the street, all the shit ended to Cowgate.

Oldtown's main street, which is mostly for pedestrians:

"We are watching you..!"

On the archbridge.
Another little pub. If I remember properly, this is one of the Edinburgh's oldest pub or the oldest pub.

We also visit at Our Dynamic Earth, The Mother Earth of All Adventures where was a lot of information about our little planet.

Heathrow's Airport, London
Going back. Breakfast over England whit this sunrise at 8am.

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