- Abandoned places -

The abandoned place in Finland
The one
Everybody is talking about it
Everybody has been there
I wanted there too
I wanted to see The Place
I wanted to photograph it too
I wanted to bee one of them
One of the many others
I parked my bicycle by the gate
Which says 'no entry'
I follow a forest path to the greenness of the summer
Here and there
I saw little fainting signs
Of long gone settlement
From the condition of the buildings
If you can still call them buildings
Maybe ruins would be more truthful
You can see the fact
That everybody knows this place
Everybody has been here
And everybody has left their mark here
I had read from the newspapers about the arsons of the area
But it didn't prepare me to the truth
Most of the place was just simply destroyed
Or otherwise vandalized
The place looked nothing like the pictures I had seen on the internet
There was nothing left
Where I had seen houses
No windows or walls
Were they supposed to be
In just three years
People had destroyed most of it
Of course nature will take back it's own
On it's own natural way
On it's own natural way
But this was something else
I even understand people's need to mark their own hand
Their present
At the Stone Age it was drawings and hand marks at the rock walls
Now it's tags and spraying's on the building walls
Same same but different
How much is too much?
The City would like to smash these old buildings
In order to build something new
The citizens have put on many addresses
To save the buildings
To save the buildings
They say
They are part of the history
That the place should let be
I kinda understood them
The pictures I saw told about beautiful old villas
But have this people been here sens then?
Have they seen the place?
Do they know
That the citizens have already destroyed the place
By themselves
That there is nothing more to save?
This was really interesting visit
But not in a way I was expecting
This abandoned ghost town
Was anything but abandoned
I saw a lot of people while I was there
Some of them picking berries
Some of them photographing like me
Some of them jogging
Maybe there could be something old saved
And something new build beside it
I experienced a peaceful and beautiful place
For outdoor activity's
Widely used by citizens
But the old ruins should be cleaned
Before they collapse
On someones child
I felt like a tourist
Everybody knew why I was there
Seeing a famous sights
From the 'must to do while you are here' list
Only thing missing
Was the tourist guide's voice in my headphones
Telling me about the history
In my memory
I was once again on that creepy Auschwitz tour
With forty other people
Psst! If you liked this one
Here's some more:
An Old Finnish School
A Spa of Misfortune
Scratching the Matches