22. joulukuuta 2016

The Abandoned Town of The CrownMountain

- Abandoned places -

The abandoned place in Finland
The one
Everybody is talking about it
Everybody has been there

I wanted there too
I wanted to see The Place
I wanted to photograph it too
I wanted to bee one of them
One of the many others

I parked my bicycle by the gate
Which says 'no entry'
I follow a forest path to the greenness of the summer 

Here and there
I saw little fainting signs
Of long gone settlement

From the condition of the buildings
If you can still call them buildings
Maybe ruins would be more truthful
You can see the fact
That everybody knows this place
Everybody has been here
And everybody has left their mark here

I had read from the newspapers about the arsons of the area
But it didn't prepare me to the truth
Most of the place was just simply destroyed
Or otherwise vandalized

The place looked nothing like the pictures I had seen on the internet
There was nothing left
Where I had seen houses
No windows or walls
Were they supposed to be
In just three years
People had destroyed most of it

Of course nature will take back it's own
On it's own natural way
But this was something else

I even understand people's need to mark their own hand
Their present
At the Stone Age it was drawings and hand marks at the rock walls
Now it's tags and spraying's on the building walls
Same same but different

How much is too much?

The City would like to smash these old buildings
In order to build something new
The citizens have put on many addresses
To save the buildings
They say
They are part of the history
That the place should let be

I kinda understood them
The pictures I saw told about beautiful old villas
But have this people been here sens then?
Have they seen the place?

Do they know
That the citizens have already destroyed the place
By themselves
That there is nothing more to save?

This was really interesting visit
But not in a way I was expecting

This abandoned ghost town
Was anything but abandoned
I saw a lot of people while I was there
Some of them picking berries
Some of them photographing like me
Some of them jogging

Maybe there could be something old saved
And something new build beside it
I experienced a peaceful and beautiful place
For outdoor activity's
Widely used by citizens

But the old ruins should be cleaned
Before they collapse
On someones child

I felt like a tourist
Everybody knew why I was there
Seeing a famous sights
From the 'must to do while you are here' list
Only thing missing
Was the tourist guide's voice in my headphones
Telling me about the history

In my memory
I was once again on that creepy Auschwitz tour
With forty other people

Psst! If you liked this one
Here's some more:

An Old Finnish School
A Spa of Misfortune
Scratching the Matches

6. joulukuuta 2016

Jeti's Birthday Cake!

Jeti had a birthday
Though Jeti didn't know it
I think yetis don't celebrate
At least not this kind of occasions

So it was easy to surprise him
Which was good
Because I like planing surprises
But I'm really bad at keeping my mouth shut
When I'm excited about something

 I tie Jeti's eyes
And lead him to the magical summer island
There I served him this awesome cake
I had designed and baked for him
He said it was the best cake he had tasted so far

I'm glad you like it!

Vadelma-Pätkis Juustokakku


200 g gluteiinittomia suklaa keksejä
75 g kookosrasvaa

4 liivatelehteä
300 - 400 g maustamatonta tuorejuustoa
1 - 1 1/2 dl ruokosokeria
3 tl vaniljasokeria
2 rkl sitruunan mehua
2 - 3 dl kuohukermaa (laktoositon)
1 pss Pätkiksiä
2 dl vadelmia
1/2 tl neilikkaa
1 rkl tummaa kaakaojauhetta

tummaa kaakaojauhetta
1 liivatelehti
tilkka vettä

Sulata kookosrasva ja murenna keksit.
Vuoraa irtopohjavuoka pohjalta leivinpaperilla.
Sekoita ja painele massa tasaisesti irtopohjavuuan pohjalle.
(Tai muropaketista, lautasesta ja ilmastointiteipistä itse rakennettun vuuan,
kuten minä tein paremman puutteessa)
Nosta jääkaappiin kovettumaan.

Liota 4 liivatelehteä kylmässä vedessä (n. 5min).
Sulata Pätkikset vesihauteessa (säästä pari koristeluun).
Muussaa vadelmat haarukalla (säästä muutamia koristeluun).
Sekoita sokerit, sula Pätkis-massa, muussatut vadelmat,
kaakaojauhe ja neilikka tuorejuustoon.
Vatkaa kerma vaahdoksi (ei liian kovaksi).
Kuumenna sitruunan mehu ja sekoita kuivaksi puristellut liivatteet joukkoon.
Lisää liivate tuorejuuston sekaan koko ajan sekoittaen.
Sekoita varovasti nostellen kermavaahto tuorejuustoon.
Kaada täyte vuokaan, tasoita pinta ja laita jääkaappiin hyytymään tunneiksi /yön yli.

Irrota varovasti terävän veitsen avulla vuuan reunat.
Aseta kuvio-muotti kakun päälle.
(Näitä saa valmiina kaupastakin, mutta minä askartelin itse).
Sirottele siivilän avulla tummaa kaakaojauhetta kakun päälle.
Poista kuvio-muotti.
Leikkaa Pätkis-paloja pienemmäksi.
Pistä liivatelehti likoamaan kylmään veteen.
Muussa muutama vadelma ja kuumenna tilkassa vettä.
Lisää liivatelehti kattilaan.
Kaada liivatetta kauniiksi puroiksi kakun päälle ja asettele tuoreita vadelmia
ja Pätkiksen paloja liivateelle, joka kiinnittää ne kakkuun.

Bon Appétit!

5. joulukuuta 2016

For My Dear Daddy

From my childhood
I remember my daddy being big and warm
Strong and funny
Always helping us build something awesome
Either it was a water slide on our backyard
Or the highest tree house of the neighborhood

Daddy always encourage us to try something crazy
Something exciting
Like sliding down the rapid with a rowing boat
Or squeezing my fingers around an air mattress
Which was fixed behind our motor boat

When I grow older
I growth out of the innocent child's world
Part of the family pain was laid on my shoulders
I started to hate
Hate my life
Hate the world's injustice
Hate my daddy

For many years I felt alone
I was lost in the darkness
From there I found Him

God told me that I'm not alone
He will always be with me
He will always be my Father
And I will always be His daughter
And He is really proud of me

At same time I almost lost my daddy
But he fought his way back to this life
God gave us a second change
For me and my daddy

And with God's love
I learned to love again
Love the world
Love my life
Love my daddy

<3 I love you daddy <3

On this year
I prepared a dinner
For the Father's Day

Only best
For my dear daddy


~ Father's Day menu 2016 ~

Peanut Butter Chicken

(gluten free, lactose free)

400 g chicken
1 tbs oil
some curry
1/2 of red, yellow and green sweet paprika
2 dl water
1 chicken stock cube
400 ml coconut milk
6 tbs peanut butter (non sweetened)
1 tbs soy sauce
1 - 5 tsp chili paste
some black pepper

Cut the chicken and roast it on a pan with oil and curry. Slice the paprika's.
Add water, stock cube, coconut-milk, paprika slices, peanut-butter and spices to the pan.
Boil the sauce 10-15 minutes.
Serve with boiled rice, veggies and fresh salad.


  Raspberry Mud Pie

(gluten free, lactose free)

175 g butter (lactose free)
2 eggs
2 1/2 dl sugar
6 tbs dark cacao powder
1 1/2 tsp vanilla sugar
2 1/2 dl gluten free flour
100 g raspberries (frozen)
2 tsp sugar

For decoration:
icing sugar
2 dl whipped cream (lactose free)

Warm the oven to 180 Celsius degree.
Melt the butter and let it cool down a bit in a room temperature.
Whip the eggs and sugar to fluffy paste.
Add butter, cacao powder, vanilla sugar and gluten free flour to the eggs and sugar.
Mix paste smooth and pour it to buttered
and crumbed cake tin with loose bottom (diameter 22 - 23 cm).
Sprinkle raspberries and some sugar on top of the paste.
Bake on oven's middle level 25 - 30 minutes.
(Baking time depends on how muddy you wanna the pie be)
Let the pie cool down in the cake tin.
Loose the sides of the tin and move the pie on a serving dish.
Sprinkle some raspberries on top of the pie and decorate with whipped cream.
Sieve some icing sugar on the top.

Bon Appétit!