30. toukokuuta 2018

Haaveiden alttarilla / The Altar of Dreams

Pitkään ja hartaasti
Mielikuvissa alttarin rakensin
Siihen meidät sovittelin
Kokonaisen elämän
Elävänä kuvana näin

Hän ehdotti elokuvaa
Kuulostaa kivalta

Hänen olisi pitänyt
Ehdottaa yhteistä elämää
Lapsia ja hääkuvaa
Kaikkea sitä
Minkä jo odotellessani
Rakkauden alttarille maalailin
Ääriviivat hahmottelin

Voiko tylsempää ollakaan
Kolmansilla treffeillä
Toivoisi jo jotain suurempaa
Haaveita koskettavaa
Kasvavia odotuksia täyttämään

18. toukokuuta 2018

The Castle Mountain / Linnavuori

Ikoinniemi, Savonlinna

For a long time I have been looking this place on a map
The Castle Mountain
Actually just one of them
There is about 90 places in Finland called as Castle Mountain
Seven of them here in Southern Savo

Some of them have actually served as Iron Age fortresses
Lookout places for enemies
At some of the places they have found evidences about this
But some of the places have just the name

I visited one of these Castle Mountains
Here in Ikoniemi there is no evidence about ancient fortress being here
But for my opinion this has been a perfect lookout place 

The dirt road was so small and curvy
That I was really glad to have my new adventure partner  with me
This being my 4wd car
I just love it

The "parking area" was just a small wider spot by the road
And the path that was supposed to start from the "parking area"
Was so unused that I couldn't find it at first
It had been taken over by the Lilys of the valley

This kinda places I like
The hidden gems

 It was super hot summer day
I love the smell of the pine tree forests
They smell like home
Like a childhood summers

It's so quiet and peaceful
Only the Whooper swans disagree
At the nearby bay there is some kind of swan mayhem going on
National bird of Finland negotiating who was on that bay first
I would see this noise as a part
Of this kinda national and cultural view
Like Common Gull or Arctic Loon

I try to step carefully on the super dry lichen
Which seems to grow everywhere here
Funny plants these liches
On  rainy day they are like sponges
Soft and elastic
And now in this sudden heatwave
They are crispy and crunchy
And break easily

I also record that
It has been way too long sense my last adventure
Should remember to do this more often
Refill my batteries
Enjoy the moment

I didn't find either any signs about the Iron Age Fortress being here
Two stone piles on the top
Turn out to be some thing that tourists and visitors make when they visit here
It's apparently common to bring your own stone to the pile
I just wonder why so many people carry stones with them?
And I was thinking if the binoculars are too heavy to take with

Definitely worth visiting
Like so many places are

Now I just want to find those six other Castle Mountains
But that's a matter of some other day

9. toukokuuta 2018

Rakkauden Sirpaleet / Shards of Love

Sellaiseksi tein itseni

Vuosien jälkeen
Syvempää yhteyttä
Haluaisin juosta
Mahdollisimman kauas

He ovat
Parasta mitä minulla on
He ovat
Pahinta mitä minussa on
Heidän vuokseen
Olen rikki
Heidän vuokseen
Olen rakastettu
He tekivät minusta minut
Loivat haasteet olemiselleni
He rakastavat minua
Sellaisena kuin olen

He särkivät minut
Ennen kuin sitä tiesivät
Ennen kuin tiesin voivani särkyä
Ojensivat liiman
Jolla opettelin korjaamaan itseni
Saman liiman
Jolla itsensä korjasivat
Kun heidät lapsena särjettiin

Sirpaleet eivät tuo onnea
Kauniin sekavaa mosaiikkia
Pala palalta hahmottaa
Itseään rakentaa
Hauraasti kohoaa
Omille jaloille seisomaan

Antaa valon koskettaa

Valo loistaa sisään
Rakkaus pääsee sisään

Meidät yhteen palauttaa