15. elokuuta 2018

Keeping Up With the Relationships / Ihmissuhteiden Ylläpidosta

An old friend of mine send me a message
Asking how I was doing
When answering
He explained me
That he was testing how many would answer
How many of his old friends were interested of keeping up the connection

This made me wonder
What is this that prevents us keeping up the connection?

I know myself
I'm lousy at keeping up with my friends
I won't call so often or send message just to ask how they are doing
And my friends know this too

I simply feel home by myself
I have always somethings going on
I manage to fill my days with all kind of little things I'm interested of
And even without trying
I'm rarely bored

But sometimes it feels lonely too
Not seeing anybody in several days
In the other hand people often also contact me
So my need of connection to other people will fill
Of course those whom do not contact me and wait me to contact will suffer

Years ago I decided to change this behavior
I wanted to be in more connection with the people
Whom had left some kind of mark in my soul during my life
People whom meant something to me
I made a New Years promise
That once a week
I would ask at least one friend to have a coffee with me
And at least once a week
I would ask one far distance friend how he or she was doing

Like all New Year promises
Some weeks I have been able to remember this promise
And some weeks not

What made me forget?

The everyday life
Our days are so full of all kind of little things
That some weeks it feels impossible to find time to have one cup of coffee with a friend
We have time to do the laundry
To read a book
To prepare a meal
Hang out in socialmedia
Worry about the future
Blame oneself about the past
Make deep analyzes why our romantic relationships with men/women are doomed

A lot of time for the little things
That make us say outloud
Oh, I would love to, but I don't have time

But after all
There is always time
Because time is an illusion
Time is an excuse
It is all about prioritizing your time
For what do you want use your time

In nearby relationships
With people whom are somehow related to your everyday life
This is easier
Yes, I can do the dishes later and have a cup of coffee with you today
But with long distance relationships it's harder

You remember the people
How could you even forget them
They have been important part of your everyday life at some point
You will always carry a memory of that time in your heart
And they pop up from deep of your minds memory boxes time to time
When some happening reminds you of them
Or some song, smell, feeling or material thing
In that moment you think of them
Wonder how they are doing and say to yourself
Yes, I need to call them or write a letter
And in the next moment
When the cat is meowing for supper
Or the pasta is boiling over
The thought of calling or writing a letter will vanish from your mind
As suddenly as it had came

I would love to say to myself that I will do better in the future
But I'm also little bit afraid
That I won't manage to keep up my promise to myself this time either
But again if I won't even try
I will never know
And those connections to long distance relationships
That are surviving only with the memory of past time
Will little by little faint away

On the other hand
Some people are only meant to briefly pass by in our life
They will give us something memorable
Guide us to new direction
Give us strength to carry on
And we will always remember them  for that
But maybe they felt it different
Maybe for them it was only a passing moment among others
You never know
What the future holds

But by keeping up with the relationships that mean something to you
You will find out
Which ones are the ones
Meant to last

I encourage you to write or call to somebody dear to you
Just to ask how he or she is doing
And listen them when they tell you
Be present for them
Show them he or she matters

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