27. kesäkuuta 2018

Time for Everything / Kaikella on Aikansa

After all the chaos
When everything shorts out
World around you is in it's perfect place
In perfect harmony
Your whole life flows to the right direction
One pleasant and exiting surprise follows an other
When you wouldn't change a thing

You start the worrying
When does it all end
When comes the first beat
Of the collapse

Am I having all this good
Did I deserve it
Is it away from somebody else
Are you allowed to feel happiness
To enjoy

They say
That when everything is good
When you'r safe and sound in your life
Then comes the old demons
Those whom are buried so deep inside your mind
That you don't probably even know they exist
They live in the deep wounds of your mind
Where is dark
Where you wouldn't wanna go

When your mind decides it is time
When it decides you'r ready
When the moment is right
The wounds open
And reveal the darkness inside
Releases the demons of your past

This all happens without you knowing
Your mind doesn't send you a note
"Hey, btw I'm planning to do this now..."

You know it
When you find yourself
On a peaceful evening
Wondering all the good
All the perfect things in your life
And feel sad
Without any obvious reason

And you blame yourself
For being ungrateful bitch
For not being able to enjoy
What the fuck is wrong with you

In this place
In this state of mind
Be the loving adult for yourself
Wrap your arms around you
With love and compassion
Ask yourself
What's wrong my dear
Why are you so sad
And then
Listen to yourself
Listen what you have to say
Don't blame
Don't undermine
Be there
Be present

And maybe
By showing your love
You can help yourself
Heal the wounds
Let them grow scars
Telling your story
The things you have survived
The things that have made you strong

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